
Hi! I'm Helen.

I work in education and in my spare time I like to read books, go to the pub, swim, online shop, look at pictures of dogs and travel.
I live in Cambridge, which I love. I walk and cycle everywhere and nothing makes me happier than toddling out to brunch on a weekend morning.
I'm not sure what this blog is for. I've been blogging on and off for many years, starting when personal style blogging took off and everyone was sharing tripod photos of their OOTDs against their bedroom wall and engagement was booming for even those with the tiniest followings. I've fallen out of the loop more times than I could count, but have always kept the blogosphere close to my heart. I think I want to recapture some of that old-school, online journalling aspect and just use this to record nice things I do so I can look back on it in the future.